- 11 -
Set the program and bread crust color.Before pressing START, set the timer for however
long you want to wait before the bread is DONE: 4:10 to 13 hours.
1. When pressed, the time
will advance in 10 minute
2. When constant pressure is
applied to the pad, the time
will advance quickly.
3. Press the START pad.The
timer is set, and the colon
blinks.After one minute,
9:29 is displayed, and the
timer continues to count
down in 1 minute
NOTE:The bread maker will
start when the timer reaches
the time of the program
EXAMPLE: It is 9:00 p.m.now.The bread is to be ready at 6:30 a.m.the next
morning.Set the timer for 9:30, because there are 9 hours and 30 minutes between
9:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m.
Colon will blink