- 4 -
Carefully unpack the Bread and Dessert Maker removing all packaging materials.To remove any dust
that may have accumulated during packaging, wash the pan, kneading blade, lid and cup. Do not
immerse pan. (See cleaning instruction on page 16.) Wipe the outside of the machine with a damp
cloth.Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaners on any part of the Bread and Dessert Maker.
Place the Bread and Dessert Maker on a dry, stable surface away from burners and away from areas
where cooking grease or water may splatter onto it.
Plug the Bread and Dessert Maker into a 120 V -60 Hz outlet.


Unplug unit and allow to cool before cleaning.Remove any flour, bread crumbs or other materials
from the inside of the inner case using a damp sponge, cloth or a small, portable vacuum cleaner.
The bread maker will bake up to a 2 pound loaf of bread.Do not put a larger quantity of ingredients
into the pan than recommended.If you do so, the bread may not mix or bake correctly and the bread
maker may be damaged.The maximum amount of flour to be used is as follows:
BAKE settings - approximately 4 cups
Prepackaged bread mixes - 4 cups
DOUGH setting - 4 2/3 cups
The dessert recipes have been developed specifically for the Toastmaster”Bread and Dessert
Maker.We do not recommend using more or less ingredients than specified in each recipe.
Handle hot pan with care using pot holders or oven mitts. R e m ove the pan by pulling straight up
on the handle. Do not turn or shake the pan while taking it out.If the pan is damaged or bent, the
temperature sensor will not work properly.


D u ring the bread programs if the machine loses power before the second ri s e, you can try start i n g
the machine at the beginning of the cycle again.This may not always produce an acceptable loaf. I f
you are not sure when the outage occurred, r e m ove the dough ball from the pan and place in an
ove n-s a fe baking container.A l l ow to double in size and place in a preheated 350°F/177°C oven fo r
3 0-45 minutes or until done.The bread should sound hollow when tapped on the top of the loaf when
it is done.
If the bread has already begun to bake when the outage occurs, you must begin with new ingredients.
Should a power outage occur during the dessert program, provided it has not begun to bake, you can
try starting the program from the beginning.This may not always produce an acceptable result.