3/4 cup bread crumbs, fine-dry 21⁄2cups fresh vegetables
2 TBL Parmesan cheese sliced into 1/4 inch thick pieces -
1 tsp onion salt carrots, mushrooms,
1/4 tsp garlic powder green and red peppers,
2 egg whites, lightly beaten zucchini
2 TBL water
350°F 3-5 minutes 21⁄2cups
Combine dry ingr e d i e n t s, set aside. Combine liquid ingr e d i e n t s. Dip ve g e t a bles into
l i q u i d mixture and then coat with dry mixture. Place into fr yer baske t . L ower fr ye r
b a s ke t into oil.S e rve with ranch flavored dressing.
1 egg, lightly beaten 2 tsp dehydrated onions
1 8 oz pkg corn muffin mix 1/2 tsp garlic, minced
1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup + 3 TBL milk
350°F 3-5 minutes 14 pieces
Mix all ingredients together until a batter is formed. Lower fryer basket into oil. Using
a heat resistant metal spoon drop batter by tablespoons into oil.
1 can of 10 refrigerated biscuits
20 pieces chocolate candy kiss
1/2 cup powdered sugar
350°F 2-3 minutes 20 pieces
S e p a rate dough into 10 biscuits. Cut each biscuit in half and flatten. Place 1
chocolate kiss in the center of each and pull edges up around candy kiss to seal tightly.
Roll between palms until all seams are sealed making a ball. Lower fryer basket into
oil. Using a heat resistant metal spoon place smoochies into oil. Dust with powdered
sugar while still warm.
1 can of 10 refrigerated biscuits
powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar mixture
350°F 2-4 minutes 10 doughnuts
S e p a rate dough into 10 biscuits and cut hole in cente r of each. L ower fryer baske t
into oil. Using a heat resistant metal spoon place doughnuts into oil. Tu rn half way
through c ooking tim e. Dust with powdered sugar or sugar and cinnamon mixture
while still warm.