2 lbs jumbo shrimp in shells, 1 egg, lightly beaten
fresh or frozen 1 cup cold water
2 cups all-purpose flour, divided 2 TBL cooking oil
1/2 tsp sugar 1 cup bread crumbs, dry-fine
1/2 tsp salt (optional)
370°F 4-8 minutes 6-8 servings
Peel shrimp leaving last section and tail in tact.With a sharp knife, remove the sandy,
bl a ck ve i n .Cut the shrimp down the middle to butterfly and pat dry with a paper towe l .
R e m ove fryer basket from fryer before preheating oil. Stir together 1 cup flour, sugar
and salt.Add liquid ingredients using an electric mixer to blend until smooth.Dip shri m p
in remaining 1 cup of flour and then into batter. Coat with b read crumbs for dar ke r
b r ow n i n g . L ower fryer basket into oil.Using a heat resistantmetal spoon place shri m p
into oil.
2 TBL vegetable oil 1 medium tomato, chopped
1/2 cup onion, chopped 1 tsp salt
1 tsp ginger, grated 1/2 cup peas, cooked
1 tsp garlic powder 16 oz pkg egg roll
1 tsp curry powder wrappers
1/2 lb ground beef
340°F 5-6 minutes 18 egg rolls
Sauté onion in oil until browned, add ginger, garlic and curry pow d e r. Cook for 2
m i nu t e s. Add ground beef, tomato and salt, cook until beef is done.Stir in peas and
a l l ow to cool. Place 2 teaspoons of mixture in the middle of egg roll wra p p e r. Fo l l ow
i n s t ructions for rolling egg roll wra p p e r s.Place in fryer baske t .L ower fryer basket into oil.
1/2 lb. ground lean pork 2 tsp soy sauce
1/4 lb shrimp, fresh or frozen chopped 1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup water chestnuts, finely chopped 12 oz pkg won ton wrappers
1/4 cup green onions, finely chopped
340°F 4-5 minutes 30 egg rolls
Combine pork and shri m p. Add remaining ingredients and mix we l l .Place 2 teaspoons
of mixture in the middle of egg roll wra p p e r. Fo l l ow instructions for rolling won ton
w ra p p e r s. Place in fryer baske t .L ower fryer basket into oil.
1 . Place wrapper on counter in a diamond shape.
2 . Moisten all corners with wa t e r.
3 . Spoon filling onto the center of the wra p p e r.
4 . Fold top of diamond over just enough to cover filling.
5 . Fold side corners toward center over top corn e r.
6 . Moisten bottom corner with wa t e r;roll top down until sealed.