Hints For Best Results
If you have a choice between cooking for a short time at high
temperature, or a longer time at a lower temperature, then,
generally, the longer cooking time at the lower temperature will
give better tasting results because cooking at a lower temperature
lessens the likelihood of baking food onto the surfaces of the Hot
Pot, or spattering food from the Hot Pot
Milk, especially full-cream milk, has a propensity to boil over. In
addition to making a mess, this spoils the taste of the milk. So —
use low heat, do not fill the Hot Pot to more than half full, stir
often and watch it carefully.
CAUTION: To avoid spillage of hot foods, if you must move the
food from the Hot Pot to the table for serving, we suggest that you
pour the contents of the Hot Pot into a bowl or dish and that you
carry the dish instead.
Typical Cooking Times
Setting Recommended
Boiling water (4 cups) HIGH 5 to 6 min.
Soup (standard can) MED. TO HIGH 3 to 4 min.
Chili (standard can) MED. LOW TO MED. 6 to 8 min.
Baked beans (standard can) MED. LOW TO MED. 6 to 8 min.
These times are intended only as guidelines. You must make sure that
all food is fully cooked before serving, just as you would when
cooking on a stove.
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