Tap OKto return to the note list (the note is saved automatically).
Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar.
Tap the Penbutton to write on the screen.
Section 2: Understanding Your Device
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Notes: Capturing Thoughts and IdeasNotes quickly captures thoughts, reminders, ideas and phone numbers.
You can also create a recording to include with the entry.
Tap Name to change the sort order of the list.
Tap on a note to open the note or to play a recording.
Tap and hold to display a pop-up menu of actions.
Tap to record.
Tap to show or hide the Recording toolbar.
Creating a Note
1. Tap New.
2. Create your note by writing, drawing, typing, and recording. For more
information about using the input panel, writing and drawing on the
screen, and creating recordings, see “Entering Text Using the Input
Panel”on page 33.
Section 2: Understanding Your Device
102 2H: Using the Microsoft Pocket Outlook
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