Advanced Operation
64 Strata CIX and CTX IPT/DKT Telephone 08/07
PrivacyPrivacy controls the ability of more than one person to use the same extension or CO
line at the same time. Privacy applies to multiple appearances of extensions, Phantom
extensions, outside Lines and outside Line Group buttons. The application of Privacy
to individual telephones is controlled in system programming.
By default, the system is private. If you are in a conversation, another telephone with
an appearance of the line on which you are talking cannot intrude unless that
telephone has been programmed for Privacy Override. In that event, the other
telephone may enter and leave the conversation at will. If all users are provided with
Privacy Release in Class of Service, the system will function as non-private.
Your telephone may be equipped with a Privacy Release and/or a Privacy on
Line button. On a normally private telephone, Privacy Release allows other
appearances of you line to join the conversation. On a normally non-private telephone,
Privacy on Line allows you to exclude others. The Privacy condition may be
toggled at any time during a conversation. At the end of the conversation, the line’s
privacy condition returns to its original state.
To use Privacy Release
While on a CO line call, press Privacy Release. The LED lights red. The
outside line flashes at all appearances. When another station user enters the outside
line call by pressing a common outside Line, the Privacy Release LED turns Off.
To add a third station, press Privacy Release again; the process repeats.
To set/cancel Privacy
Press Privacy on Line to set privacy. The LED lights steady red. Others are
blocked from entering your outside line calls when they press a common Line
...or press Privacy on Line again to cancel the feature. The LED turns Off.
RedialUse this button to redial the last number dialed from your telephone.
To redial the last number, press Redial or *0.