
Keyboard shortcuts

Toggles between the
Start screen and the last
opened app
+ D
To go to the Desktop or
select the Desktop tile
+ C
To reveal the charms

Mouse navigation

Search – Allows you to locate items (apps, photos, music,
documents) on your computer
Share – Allows you to share items (links, photos, and
Start – Takes you to the Start screen or, if you’re already
on the Start screen, returns you to your last app
Devices – Allows you to manage your hardware
Settings – Allows you to access your computer’s settings
(volume, brightness, connecting to the internet, and more)
Move your pointer
to the upper-right
corner of the screen
to reveal the charms.

Internet connectivity

1. Move your pointer
over the upper or
lower right corner
of the screen.
When the Windows®
charms appear,
click/touch the
Settings charm.
2. Click/touch the
Wi-Fi® icon.
The Networks screen
appears. Select your
network. Click/touch
3. Enter the network
security key (if
applicable). Click/
touch Next. Your
computer should be

Turn off your computer

Move your pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen or swipe in from the
right edge to reveal the charms.
Click/touch the Settings charm.
Select Power then Sleep/Shut down/Restart.
The Start screen contains tiles that are shortcuts to your apps and programs. Right-
click on the background or swipe up from the bottom edge or swipe down from the top
edge and select All apps to see more.