TD-8616BADSL2/2+ Ethernet Modem User Guide

4.3.1 Administration

Choose “MaintenanceAdministrator”, you can set new password for admin in the screen (shown in Figure 4-8).

Figure 4-8


1)There is only one account that can access Web-Management interface. The default account is "admin", and the password is "admin". Admin has read/write access privilege.

2)When you change the password, you should enter the new password twice, and then click SAVE to make the new password take effect.

4.3.2 Firmware

Choose “MaintenanceFirmware”, you can upgrade the firmware of the Modem in the screen (shown in Figure 4-9). Make sure the firmware or romfile you want to use is on the local hard drive of the computer. Click Browse to find the local hard drive and locate the firmware or romfile to be used for upgrade.

Figure 4-9

To upgrade the modem's firmware, follow these instructions below:

Step 1: Download a more recent firmware upgrade file from the TP-LINK website
