TD-VG3631 300Mbps Wireless N VoIP ADSL2+ Modem Router User Guide
Figure 4-37
¾ Prefix: Displays the prefix of your plan. This prefix refers to the initial digit(s) of the numbers
you dial.
¾ Op: Displays the operation of this plan.
¾ Destination: Displays the account or network used for this plan.
¾ Enable: Displays the interface(s) enabled in this plan.
¾ Remove: Check the box and then click the Remove button below so that the very plan will
be deleted.
¾ Edit: Click the Edit button to modify the very plan.
To add a dial plan, click the Add button in Figure 4-37. Fill in the following parameters and click
the Save button in Figure 4-38.
Figure 4-38
¾ Prefix: Set number(s) as the prefix. Up to 16 characters can be entered.
¾ Destination: Both SIP account and PSTN can be selected here. As to which one will be
finally used, it depends on not only Destination selected here but also Dial Plan Priority
configured on Phone Setup page. Please note that if you want to select a SIP account, you
should first add one on SIP Account page; otherwise only NONE is available.
¾ Max Length: Specify the max length of numbers you wish to dial out. The length of the
actual dialed number can not exceed the length set here. For example, if the length is set to
“6”, when you dial “7654321”, only “765432” will be sent out.
¾ Dial End With: Ways of indicating when the dialing is finished.