TD-W9980 N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit VDSL2 Modem Router User Guide
The current configuration will be covered with the uploading configuration file. Wrong process will
lead the device unmanaged. The restoring process lasts for 20 seconds and the modem router will
restart automatically then. Keep the power of the modem router on during the process, in case of
any damage.
4.22.7 Factory Defaults Choose menu “System Tools → Factory Defaults”, and then and you can restore the
configurations of the modem router to factory defaults on the following screen
Figure 4-114
Click the Restore button to reset all configuration settings to their default values.
The default User Name: admin
The default Password: admin
The default Subnet Mask:
All changed settings will be lost when defaults are restored.
4.22.8 Firmware Upgrade Choose menu “System Tools → Firmware Upgrade”, and then you can update the latest
version of firmware for the modem router on the following screen.
Figure 4-115