TL-PA511 AV500 Mini Powerline Adapter
¾Local Device(s) on your computer: This shows all local Powerline Ethernet Adapter found connected to the computer’s LAN card. In most cases, only one device will display in this panel. Click and select the local device shown on the screen then click “Connect” tab to manage the Powerline Ethernet Adapter. The status message shown above the “Connect” button indicates that your PC is connected to the same device. Once the chosen Powerline Ethernet Adapter is properly connected, this Management Utility will automatically scan the power line periodically for any other existing powerline devices. You can upgrade the version of firmware for the device by clicking the Upgrade Firmware button which is shown as below.
zPIB: Parameter Information Block. It contains configuration values that establish device network identity, general capabilities and operational modes.
If you want to upgrade the version of firmware for the device, please select appropriate Firmware and PIB files together. New firmware versions and PIB files are posted at