loopback interface gigabitEthernet Description
The loopback interface gigabitEthernet command is used to test whether the
port is available or not.
loopback interface gigabitEthernet {port } { internal | external }
port —— The Gigabit Ethernet port number.
internal | external —— Loopback Type. There are two options: “internal” and
Command Mode
User EXEC Mode and Privileged EXEC Mode
Do an internal-type loopback test for port 15:
TL-SG2424# loopback interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 internal
Do an external-type loopback test for port 15:
TL-SG2424# loopback interface gigabitEthernet 1/0/15 external
show system-info Description
The show system-info command is used to display System Description,
Device Name, Device Location, System Contact, Hardware Version, Firmware
Version, System Time, Run Time and so on.
show system-info
Command Mode
Privileged EXEC Mode and Any Configuration Mode
Display the system information:
TL-SG2424# show system-info