Figure 13-7 NTDP Summary
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Global Config
NTDP: Displays the NTDP status (enabled or disabled) of the switch
NTDP Interval Time: Displays the interval to collect topology information.
NTDP Hops: Displays the hop count the switch topology collects.
NTDP Hop Delay: Displays the time between the switch receiving NTDP request
packets and the switch forwarding NTDP request packets for the
first time.
NTDP Port Delay: Displays the time between the port forwarding NTDP request
packets and its adjacent port forwarding NTDP request packets
Port Status
Port: Displays the port number of the switch.
NTDP: Displays NTDP status (enabled or disabled) of the current port.
13.2.3 NTDP Config On this page you can configure NTDP globally.
Choose the menu Cluster→NTDP→NTDP Config to load the following page.