The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Create OUI
OUI: Enter the OUI address of the voice device.
Mask: Enter the OUI address mask of the voice device.
Description: Give a description to the OUI for identification.
OUI Table
Select: Select the desired entry to view the detailed information.
OUI: Displays the OUI address of the voice device.
Mask: Displays the OUI address mask of the voice device.
Description: Displays the description of the OUI.
Configuration Procedure of Voice VLAN:
Step Operation Description
1 Configure the link type
of the port
Required. On VLAN802.1Q VLANPort Config page,
configure the link type of ports of the voice device.
2 Create VLAN Required. On VLAN802.1Q VLANPort Config page, click
the Create button to create a VLAN.
3 Add OUI address Optional. On QoSVo ice VL ANOUI Config page, you can
check whether the switch is supporting the OUI template or not.
If not, please add the OUI address.
4 Configure the
parameters of the ports
in voice VLAN
Required. On QoSVoice VLANPort Config page,
configure the parameters of the ports in voice VLAN.
5 Enable Voice VLAN Required. On QoSVoice VLANGlobal Config page,
configure the global parameters of voice VLAN.
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