Port Voice VLAN
Stream Type Link type of the port and processing mode
ACCESS: Not supported.
TRUNK: Supported. The default VLAN of the port can not be
voice VLAN.
TAG vo ice
GENERAL: Supported. The default VLAN of the port can not
be voice VLAN and the egress rule of the access port in the
voice VLAN should be TAG.
ACCESS: Supported.
TRUNK: Not supported.
Automatic Mode
UNTAG voice
GENERAL: Supported. The default VLAN of the port should
be voice VLAN and the egress rule of the access port in the
voice VLAN should be UNTAG.
ACCESS: Not supported.
TRUNKSupported. The default VLAN of the port should not
be voice VLAN.
TAG vo ice
GENERALSupported. The default VLAN of the port can not
be voice VLAN and the egress rule of the access port in the
voice VLAN should be TAG.
ACCESS: Supported.
TRUNK: Not supported.
Manual Mode
UNTAG voice
GENERAL: Supported. The default VLAN of the port should
be voice VLAN and the egress rule of the access port in the
voice VLAN should be UNTAG.
Table 9-2 Port voice VLAN mode and voice stream processing mode
Don’t transmit voice stream together with other business packets in the voice VLAN except for
some special requirements.
The Voice VLAN function can be implemented on Global Config, Port Config and OUI Config
9.3.1 Global Config
On this page, you can configure the global parameters of the voice VLAN, including VLAN ID and
aging time.
Choose the menu QoSVoice VLANGlobal Config to load the following page.
Figure 9-12 Global Configuration