If the GVRP feature is enabled for a member port of LAG, please ensure all the member ports of
this LAG are set to be in the same status and registration mode.
The following entries are displayed on this screen:
Global Config
GVRP: Allows you to Enable/Disable the GVRP function.
Port Config
Port Select: Click the Select button to quick-select the corresponding entry based
on the port number you entered.
Select: Select the desired port for configuration. It is multi-optional.
Port: Displays the port number.
Status: Enable/Disable the GVRP feature for the port. The port type should be
set to TRUNK before enabling the GVRP feature.
Select the Registration Mode for the port.
Normal: In this mode, a port can dynamically register/deregiste
a VLAN and propagate the dynamic/static VLAN information.
Fixed: In this mode, a port cannot register/deregister a VLAN
dynamically. It only propagates static VLAN information.
Forbidden: In this mode, a port cannot register/deregiste
VLANs. It only propagates VLAN 1 information.
LeaveAll Timer: Once the LeaveAll Timer is set, the port with GVRP enabled can send
a LeaveAll message after the timer times out, so that other GARP
ports can re-register all the attribute information. After that, the
LeaveAll timer will start to begin a new cycle. The LeaveAll Timer
ranges from 1000 to 30000 centiseconds.
Join Timer: To guarantee the transmission of the Join messages, a GARP port
sends each Join message two times. The Join Timer is used to define
the interval between the two sending operations of each Join
message. The Join Timer ranges from 20 to 1000 centiseconds.
Leave Timer: Once the Leave Timer is set, the GARP port receiving a Leave
message will start its Leave timer, and deregister the attribute
information if it does not receive a Join message again before the
timer times out. The Leave Timer ranges from 60 to 3000
LAG: Displays the LAG to which the port belongs.
LeaveAll Timer >= 10* Leave Timer, Leave Timer >= 2*Join Timer