Query Interval: Enter the time interval of sending a general query frame by IGMP
Snooping Querier.
Max Response
Enter the maximal time for the host to respond to a general query
frame sent by IGMP Snooping Querier.
General Query
Source IP:
Enter the source IP of the general query frame sent by IGMP
Snooping Querier. It should not be a multicast IP or a broadcast IP.
Last Member Query
Enter the time interval of sending specific query frames by IGMP
Snooping Querier. A specific query will be sent on condition that
"fast-leave" is not enabled and a leave frame is received.
Last Member Query
Enter the times of sending specific query frames by IGMP
Snooping Querier. At receiving a leave frame, a specific query
frame will be sent by IGMP Snooping Querier. If a report frame is
received before sending specific frames number reaches "Last
Member Query Times", the switch will still treat the port as group
member and stop sending specific query frames to the port,
otherwise the port will be removed from forward-ports of the IP
multicast group.
Last Member Query
Source IP:
Enter the source IP of the specific query frame sent by IGMP
Snooping Querier. It should not be a multicast IP or a broadcast IP.
IGMP Snooping Querier Table
VLAN ID Select: Click the Select button to quick-select the corresponding port
based on the VLAN ID you entered.
Select: Select the desired entry. It is multi-optional.
VLAN ID: Displays the ID of the VLAN that enables IGMP Snooping Querier.
Query Interval: Displays the Query Interval of the IGMP Snooping Querier.
Max Response
Displays the maximal time for the host to respond to a general
query frame sent by IGMP Snooping Querier.
General Query
Source IP:
Displays the source IP of the general query frame sent by IGMP
Snooping Querier.
Last Member Query
Displays the time interval of sending specific query frames by
IGMP Snooping Querier.
Last Member Query
Displays the times of sending specific query frames by IGMP
Snooping Querier.
Last Member Query
Source IP:
Displays the source IP of the specific query frame sent by IGMP
Snooping Querier.
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