TL-WA7510N 5GHz 150Mbps Outdoor Wireless Access Point User Guide
4) In Schedule field, select Schedule_1.
5) In Action field, select Allow.
6) In Status field, select Enable.
7) Click Save to complete the settings.
6. Then you will go back to the Access Control Rule Management page and see the following list.
Figure 5-60 Access Control List
Click the Add New... button to add a new host list entry.
Click the Enable All button to enable all the rules in the list.
Click the Disable All button to disable all the rules in the list.
Click the Delete All button to delete all the entries in the table.
Click the Next button to go to the next page.
Click the Previous button return to the previous page.
5.12.2 Host
Choose menu “Access Control > Host”, and then you can view and set a Host list in the screen
as shown in Figure 5-61. The host list is necessary for the Access Control Rule.
Figure 5-61 Host Settings
¾ Host Description - Here displays the description of the host and this description is unique.
¾ Information - Here displays the information about the host. It can be IP or MAC.