IP Address | The IP Address displayed with statistics |
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| ||||
Total | Packets | The total amount of packets received and transmitted by the router. |
| ||||
Bytes | The total amount of bytes received and transmitted by the router. |
| ||||
| |||||
| ||||||
| Packets | The total amount of packets received and transmitted in the last Packets | ||||||
| Statistic interval seconds. |
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| ||||||
| Bytes | The total amount of bytes received and transmitted in the last Packets | ||||||
| Statistic interval seconds. |
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Current | ICMP Tx | The total amount of the ICMP packets | transmitted | to | WAN | in | the | last |
Packets Statistic interval seconds. |
| ||
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| UDP Tx | The total amount of the UDP packets | transmitted | to | WAN | in | the | last |
| Packets Statistic interval seconds. |
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| ||||||
| TCP | The total amount of the TCP SYN packets transmitted to WAN in the last | ||||||
| SYN Tx | Packets Statistic interval seconds. |
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