44 TRG-TRC003-EN
ASHRAE American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
British Thermal Unit (Btu) A measure of heat quantity, defined as the quantity
of heat energy required to change the temperature of 1 lb of water by 1°F.
compressor A mechanical device in the refrigeration system used to increase
the pressure and temperature of the refrigerant vapor.
condenser A component of the refrigeration system where refrigerant vapor is
converted to liquid as it rejects heat to air, water, or some other fluid.
conduction The process of transferring heat through a solid.
convection The process transferring heat through the movement of a fluid,
often through the natural movement of air, caused by temperature (density)
discharge line Pipe that transports refrigerant vapor from the compressor to
the condenser in a mechanical refrigeration system.
enthalpy A measure of heat quantity, both sensible and latent, per pound [kg]
of refrigerant.
evaporator A component of the refrigeration system where cool, liquid
refrigerant absorbs heat from air, water, or some other fluid, causing the
refrigerant to boil.
expansion device A component of the refrigeration system used to reduce the
pressure and temperature of the refrigerant to the evaporator conditions.
flash The process of liquid refrigerant being vaporized by a sudden reduction
of pressure.
heat of compression The amount of heat added to the refrigerant vapor by the
compressor during the process of raising the pressure of the refrigerant to
condenser conditions.
heat of vaporization The amount of heat required to transform (evaporate)
saturated liquid refrigerant to a saturated vapor, at a given pressure.
kilocalorie A measure of heat quantity, defined as the quantity of heat energy
required to change the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1°C.
latent heat Heat energy that, when added to or removed from a substance,
results in a change of state of the substance–from a liquid to a vapor, from a
solid to a liquid, or vice-versa.
liquid line Pipe that transports refrigerant vapor from the condenser to the
evaporator in a mechanical refrigeration system.
pressure–enthalpy chart A graphical representation of the properties of a
refrigerant, plotting refrigerant pressure versus enthalpy.