


￿ Carefully￿unpack￿the￿contents￿of￿the￿Compact￿Card￿Reader￿package.￿

￿ Do￿not￿allow￿your￿Compact￿Card￿Reader￿to￿become￿damp￿or￿wet￿from￿water￿or￿any￿other￿liquids.￿ ￿ Do￿not￿use￿a￿damp/wet￿cloth￿to￿wipe￿or￿clean￿the￿exterior￿case.￿

￿ Do￿not￿use￿or￿store￿your￿Compact￿Card￿Reader￿in￿any￿of￿the￿listed￿environments:￿ o￿ Direct￿sunlight￿

o￿ Next￿to￿an￿air￿conditioner,￿electric￿heater,￿or￿other￿heat￿sources￿ o￿ In￿a￿closed￿car￿that￿is￿in￿direct￿sunlight￿


￿ Transcend￿does￿NOT￿take￿any￿responsibility￿for￿data￿loss,￿or￿damage￿during￿operation.￿


￿ Follow￿ the￿ procedures￿ in￿ the￿ “Disconnecting￿ from￿ a￿ Computer”￿ section￿ to￿ remove￿ your￿ Compact￿ Card￿Reader￿from￿a￿computer.￿

To￿avoid￿damage￿to￿your￿Reader￿and￿Memory￿Cards.￿Do￿NOT￿attempt￿to￿insert￿an￿SD/MMC￿ ￿ and￿miniSD￿card￿into￿your￿Compact￿Card￿Reader￿TS-RDS1￿at￿the￿same￿time.￿



Safety￿ ￿


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Transcend Information RDS1/S2/S5/S6 manual SafetyPrecautions, GeneralUse, TransferringData, Reminders

RDS1/S2/S5/S6 specifications

Transcend Information, a recognized leader in the field of storage and multimedia products, offers a range of robust RAID storage solutions, specifically the RDS1, RDS2, RDS5, and RDS6 models. These devices are designed to cater to diverse data storage needs, providing reliable performance, scalability, and advanced data management features for both personal and professional use.

The RDS1 model is the entry-level solution in Transcend's RAID series, equipped with multiple drive bays that support a variety of hard drives and SSDs. It features software RAID options, allowing users to configure storage according to their specific needs, whether in RAID 0, 1, or JBOD modes. The RDS1 is particularly user-friendly, providing a simple web-based interface that simplifies management tasks.

Next in the lineup, the RDS2 is designed for those requiring additional performance and redundancy. It supports dual RAID setups and offers improved connectivity options, including USB 3.0 and eSATA interfaces. The RDS2's hot-swappable bays allow for effortless drive replacement without downtime, crucial for businesses that depend on constant data availability.

The RDS5 model is a more advanced option, boasting a greater number of drive bays and enhanced data protection features. It supports RAID 5 and RAID 6 configurations, which provide a balance between performance and redundancy. The RDS5 incorporates sophisticated data recovery solutions, ensuring that critical data remains safe in the event of a drive failure. Its built-in LCD panel allows for real-time monitoring of system status and alerts.

Finally, the RDS6 rounds out the series as a high-capacity option aimed at enterprises that manage vast amounts of data. It features support for up to 12 drives, allowing for extensive RAID configurations and data storage. The RDS6 also interfaces with virtualization platforms, making it suitable for environments that require high performance and availability. Its sophisticated management software provides detailed logging and monitoring features that assist with pro-active maintenance.

Across the entire range, Transcend employs advanced technologies such as ECC memory and power loss protection to enhance data integrity and reliability. These devices are designed to perform efficiently in various storage environments, from home setups to enterprise data centers, making them suitable for a wide spectrum of users. Overall, Transcend Information's RDS series combines versatility, speed, and security, catering to the ever-evolving requirements of data management in today’s digital landscape.