SD80 series
128MB~2GB SD80 Cards
Bus Operating Conditions
• General
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | Unit |
Peak voltage on all lines |
| VDD+0.3 | V | |
All Inputs |
Input Leakage Current |
| 10 | µA | |
All Outputs |
Output Leakage Current
• Power Supply Voltage
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | Unit |
Supply voltage | VDD | 2.0 | 3.6 | V |
Supply voltage specified in OCR register |
| 2.7 | 3.6 | V |
Supply voltage differentials (VSS1, VSS2) |
| 0.3 | V | |
Power up time |
| 250 | ms |
CMD0, 15,55,ACMD41 commands
Except CMD0, 15,55, ACMD41 commands
From 0v to VDD Min.
•Bus Signal Line Load
The total capacitance CL the CLK line of the SD Memory Card bus is the sum of the bus master capacitance CHOST, the bus capacitance CBUS itself and the capacitance CCARD of each card connected to this line:
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | Unit |
Bus signal line capacitance | CL |
| 100 | pF |
Single card capacitance | CCARD |
| 10 | pF |
Maximum signal line inductance |
| 16 | nH |
RDAT3 | 10 | 90 | kΩ | |
fPP ≤ 20 MHz, 7 cards
fPP ≤ 20 MHz
May be used for card detection
Note that the total capacitance of CMD and DAT lines will be consist of CHOST, CBUS and one CCARD only since they are connected separately to the SD Memory Card host.
Parameter | Symbol | Min. | Max. | Unit |
RCMD, RDAT | 10 | 100 | kΩ | |
Bus signal line capacitance | CL |
| 250 | pF |
To prevent bus floating fPP ≤ 5 MHz, 21 cards
Transcend Information Inc. | 3 |