1.If at first you do not set the time of day correctly, reset the clock by pressing and holding button (1). The display will count back to 00:00. Release the button. After a few seconds the display will reset to show 12.00. To reset the time of day follow the procedure laid down in point 1 on page 17.
2.The time of day must be set before the fan oven will operate. There will be a few seconds delay before the fan oven switches on.
3.The minute minder function controls the oven only and will switch the oven OFF at the end of a timed period. This function is useful if you want to begin cooking now and have the oven switch OFF automatically.
4.If you have used the minute minder to time food cooking in the fan oven you will need to reset the timer by pushing both buttons before the oven can operate again.
5.The minute minder can turn OFF the main oven only. If used to time food cooking in the second oven, at the end of the cook period, the second oven will remain ON until turned OFF by the oven temperature control.