UPS / Power Module dimensions in primary form factor (height x width x depth / cm)
8.9 x 44.4 x 31.8
Installed whole system total rack space height (rack spaces)
Secondary form factor
UPS / Power Module weight (lbs)
UPS / Power Module weight (kg)
UPS Shipping dimensions (height x width x depth / inches)
Tower (requires
9.5 x 20 x 24
UPS Shipping |
| 24.1 x 50.8 x 61 |
dimensions |
(height x width x |
depth / cm) |
| |
Shipping weight | 41.5 | |
(lbs) |
| |
Shipping weight | 18.8 | |
(kg) |
UPS housing |
| Steel |
material |
Cooling method |
| Fan |
Operating |
| +32 to +104 degrees Fahrenheit / 0 to +40 degrees Celsius |
Temperature Range |
Storage |
| +5 to +122 degrees Fahrenheit / |
Temperature Range |
Relative Humidity |
| 0 to 95%, |
| |
AC mode BTU / hr. | 341 | |
(full load) |
| |
AC economy mode | 230 | |
BTU / hr. (full load) |
| |
Battery mode BTU | 585 | |
/ hr. (full load) |
| |
AC economy mode | 93% | |
efficiency rating |
(100% load) |
Operating Elevation (ft)
Audible Noise
45 dBA at 1m front side