Edging Along A Curb

The right, rear wheel of the edger can be lowered into one of five positions to ease the task of edging along a curb. To adjust the height of curb wheel, proceed as follows:

1.Lower the right, rear wheel by moving the curb height adjustment lever slightly to the left. See Fig. 5–2.

Curb Height






Figure 5-2

2.Pivot the right, rear wheel into an applicable position in relation to the height of the curb to be edged along. See Fig. 5–2

3.Release the curb height adjustment lever to lock the wheel in position. See Fig. 5–2.


In order to achieve a bevelled edge, set the bevel adjustment lever (refer to Assembly & Set-Up Section) in the first (left hand) or third (right hand) notch to place the edger blade in position for beveling (See Fig. 5–3).







Right-Hand Position


Left-Hand Position


Figure 5-3

10Section 5— Operation