UMAX Astra 2100U Owner’s Guide
11. When a screen appears asking if you want to restart your
computer to finish the installation procedure, select Yes and
click the OK button.
NOTE: To access these files you must click on the “Start” bar,
select “Programs,” and then select “Adobe.” A cascading file
appears with “Read Me” information and other selections to choose
from. For information about setting up desktop shortcuts, refer to
your Microsoft Windows documentation.
Installing PhotoDeluxe on Your Macintosh1. Insert the CD-ROM labeled “PhotoDeluxe” into your
computer’s CD-ROM drive. Your computer should
automatically read the disk and display the folders contained on
the CD-ROM.
2. Double-click on the Adobe PhotoDeluxe Installer icon. Follow
the onscreen instructions.
3. An Adobe ReadMe file appears. After reading the text, click
4. A PhotoDeluxe Installer window appears. Click the Install
button. Follow the onscreen instructions.
5. Complete the product registration form and click Next. Click
the Install Now button. After installation is complete, restart
your computer by clicking the Restart button. After the system
restarts, re-insert the PhotoDeluxe CD-ROM.
6. Double-click on the ATM application folder inside the
PhotoDeluxe CD-ROM window. Double-click on the Font and
Utilities folder, then Double-click on the Installer icon. Click
the Install icon to install the ATM files. Restart your system
after the installation is complete.