ReminderFuncti on
Your pager will remind you when you have new
messages that haven’t been checked. To turn this
function Off or On, perform the following steps.
1.At the Function menu, press >to select SETUP
OPTIONS , then press N.
2.Press >to select REMINDER , then press N.
3.Press Nto enter your selection.
4.Press Nagain, or wait eight seconds to return to the
Function menu.
Turning Quickview Off or On
Quickview lets you set your pager to automatically
display messages as they are received. To enable or
disable this function, perform the following steps.
1.At the Function menu, select SETUP OPTIONS,
then press N.
2.Press >to select QUICKVIEW , then press N.
3.Select OFF or ON with the ▼▲ keys.
4. You can then adjust the scroll speed with the ><keys.
5.Press Nto enter your selection and return to the
Setup Options menu.