1.MICROPHONE CONNECTOR: Receptacle for microphone connection.
3.SQUELCH: Used to quiet background noise when no signal is being received. Proper adjustment is such that the control is advanced only slightly beyond the point where the background noise is marginally quieted.
4.RF GAIN: This control is used primarily to optimize reception in strong signal areas. Gain is reduced by counter.clockwise rotation of the control.
5.CHANNELSELECTION CONTROL: This control selects the desired channel for transmission and reception. Allchannels except channel 88, may be used for communi- cations between stations. Channel 88 has been reserved by the DOTACfor emergency
communications involvingthe immediate safety of individuals or immediate protection of property. This is a DOTAC rule and applies to all operators of citizens band radios.
6.ANL (AUTOMATIC NOISE LlMITER) ON/OFF SWITCH: The ANL circuit reduces most undesirable interference noises.
7.NB (NOISE BLANKER)ON/OFF SWITCH: The NB is very effective for reduc- ing repetitive impulse noise such as ignition noise.
8.CHANNEL 88 ON/OFF SWITCH: This switch selects channel 88, Channel Indication will disappear and CH 88 LED will flash.
9.S/RF METER: This LED meter shows the relative strength ef the received signal or transmitted power.
10.CHANNEL INDICATOR: Light Emitting Diode(LED) indicates the channel number in use.