3-way ConferencingThe Uniden TRU348 permits 3-way conversations between
the handset, base, and outside line.
WWhheenn ssppeeaakkiinngg oonn tthhee hhaannddsseett
11Press on the base
to join the 3-way conversatio n.
22To hang up, press on
the base. The handset will still
be connected to the call.
WWhheenn ssppeeaakkiinngg oonn tthhee bbaassee
11Press on the handset to join the
3-way conversation.
22To hang up, return the handset to the
base, or press on the handset.
The base will still be connected to
the call.
Pressing the
key on the base while
dialing with the handset
will set the 3-way
conversation mode, and
dialing is not affected.
TRU348 7/31/01 14:56 Page 30