Table of Contents
Introduction |
AboutScanning | 2 |
TakingProperCareofYourScanner | 3 |
Unpacking | 3 |
Installation |
InstallingtheUBC144XLT | 4 |
Operation |
ControlsandFunctions | 5 |
ScanningOverview | 7 |
Getting Started | 7 |
AdjustingtheSquelch | 8 |
Programming Tips | 8 |
Programming Frequencies | 9 |
9 | |
Scanning | 10 |
Direct Channel Access | 10 |
CheckingtheProgrammedFrequency | 11 |
WeatherChannelScan | 11 |
Priority Scanning | 12 |
ChannelLockout | 12 |
About the Unit |
HelpfulHints | 14 |
Troubleshooting | 15 |
TechnicalSpecifications | 16 |
Warranty |