Universal Remote Control TX-1000 manual Light Settings, Sound Volume

Models: TX-1000

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Light Settings

You can adjust the backlighting of the remote in three additional ways:

1. You can turn on/off the LCD backlighting.

2. You can turn on/off the hard button backlighting.

3. You can select the amount of time the lighting stays on after the last button



Once the LCD row is



To activate LCD


activated, change


backlighting, first


whether the backlight-

press this button.


ing is on or off by

To activate the hard


pressing this button.



button backlighting,


Once the BUTTON

first press this button.


row is activated,

To activate the


change whether

TIMER setting, first


the backlighting is

press this button.


on or off by press-

To SAVE any


ing this button.



changes you have


Once the TIMER row

made, press



is activated, change




the amount of time

To exit without sav-



the backlighting will

ing any changes


stay on by using the

you have made,



press EXIT.


arrow keys.


Sound Volume

Your Medius beeps whenever a button is pressed. However, you can adjust the volume to any level you like by adjusting the volume control here.

Adjust the volume of the beep by using the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys.

To SAVE any changes you have

made, press SAVE.

To exit without sav- ing any changes you have made, press EXIT.

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Universal Remote Control TX-1000 manual Light Settings, Sound Volume