030-300536 Rev. A 115 August 2007
User GuideVersaLink Wireless Gatewa
Model 7500
2. Type the name of the custom service that you are creating in the field provided. This will be the name of the
port forwarding service for which you are configuring specific Port Triggering rules.
3. Enter the desired Global Port Start, Global Port End, Local Port Start, and Local Port End values in the fields
provided, as shown in the example below.
4. Select the desired Incoming and Outgoing protocol for the rule.
5. Click Apply to allow the changes to take effect.
NOTE: If you clicked Cancel in the Create Port Triggering Service screen, the values you entered will be
displayed; however, they will not be active in your Router. You must click Apply to allow the settings to take effect.
Port Triggering Service
Global Port Start The WAN side TCP/UDP start port.
Global Port End The WAN side TCP/UDP end port.
Local Port Start The local LAN side TCP/UDP start port.
Local Port End The local LAN side TCP/UDP end port.
Incoming Protocol The protocol to use for inbound traffic.
Outgoing Protocol The protocol to use for outbound traffic.