The security modes are described below:
NONE: In this mode, no password is required.
WEP: The WLAN clients who have the same key
with wireless gateway can pass the authentication
and access the wireless network.
WPA-PSK: WPA Pre-Shared Key, Enter the Pre-
Shared key as a plain text (ASCII) pass-phrase of
at least 8 characters.
WPA2-PSK: A securer version of WPA with
implementation of the 802.11i standard.
WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK: Apply both the WPA-PSK
and WPA2-PSK scheme.
If the Security type is WEP, the following
configuration page will appear:
Authentication Type: Two types of authentication
can be used: OPEN and SHARE. In the OPEN
authentication type, the WLAN client (device)
doesn't need to provide the correct credentials