Hotspot: A WiFi (802.11) access point or the area
covered by an access point. Used for connecting
to the Internet.
HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol. An
application-level protocol for accessing the World
Wide Web over the Internet.
IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers. An international technical/professional
society that promotes standardization in technical
LAN: Local Area Network. A type of network that
lets a group of computers, all in close proximity
(such as inside an office building), communicate
with one another. It does not use common carrier
circuits though it can have gateways or bridges to
other public or private networks.
MAC Address: Media Access Control. A number
that uniquely identiļ¬es each network hardware
device. MAC addresses are 12-digit hexadecimal
numbers. This is also known as the physical or
hardware address.
Port: A virtual data connection used by programs
to exchange data. It is the endpoint in a logical
connection. The port is specified by the port