Choosing a Profile
Your device comes with the Secure prole already set. The following proles come with your device:
•Secure — This is the prole you should use most of the time. You can set up this prole with
the security measures you need to use your device safely.
•Temporary Hotspot — This prole allows you set up a temporary hotspot to allow others
nearby (maximum of ten) to go online at the same time.
•Open — This prole is not secure and should be avoided.
Setting Up a Temporary Hotspot
You can use the device to set up a temporary hotspot to allow a maximum of ten connections to
your MiFi 4620L at one time.
The Temporary Hotspot prole is pre-set on your device. It generates a temporary network name
(SSID) and network key so you can allow others to connect to your device without having to change
your secure prole's security settings. To set up a Temporary Hotspot, follow these steps:
➊ Connect to MiFi Settings and log in. (See Conguring MiFi Settings on page 22.)
➋ Go to the Wi-Fi screen. (See Wi-Fi on page 28.)
➌ On the Wi-Fi screen, select Temporary Hotspot as the selected prole.
A new (temporary) network name (SSID) and network key (Wi-Fi passkey) appears. Typically
the temporary network name has the word "Temp" added.