4G Network (LTE)
The 4G Network (LTE) section has the following:
•Status — Status of the network (Disabled, Not available, or Available).
•Network Operator — The vendor that currently provides wireless access.
•RSSI — Indicates the signal strength for LTE.
•SINR — A measure of signal quality; the higher the number the better the signal.
3G Network (EVDO/1xRTT)
The 3G Network (EVDO/1xRTT) section has the following:
•Status — Status of the network (Disabled, Not available, or Available).
•RSSI (1x) — Indicates the RSSI for the 1xRTT signal.
•Technology — The type of technology used to connect to the Internet.
•RSSI (EVDO) — Indicates the signal strength for the EVDO/eHRPD signal.
•Network Operator — The vendor that currently provides wireless access.
•Ec/lo — A measure of how clean the signal is, and is a type of signal-to-noise ratio.
•SID — System identier for the network.