TX SAVE DISABLEPress the assigned programmable key to disable the
Transmit Battery Saver, if you are operating in a lo-
cation where high power is almost always needed.
The Transmit Battery Saver helps extend battery life
by reducing transmit power when a very strong sig-
nal from an apparently nearby station is being re-
ceived. Under some circumstances, though, your
hand-held radio may not be heard well at the other
end of the communication path, and high power may
be necessary at all times.
ENCRYPTION (OPTION)Press the assigned programmable key to toggle the
Encryption feature “On” and “Off.”
AUDIO PC (PIT)Press the assigned programmable key to toggle the
Audio Pitch Controller “On” and “Off.”
When you turn the Audio Pitch Controller ON, the
receive audio is enhanced in the high-range frequen-
FOLLOW-ME SCANThe “Follow-Me” Scan feature checks a User-as-
signed Priority Channel regularly as you scan other
channels. Thus, if only Channels 1, 3, and 5 (of the 8
available channels) are designated for “Scanning,”
the user may nonetheless assign Channel 2 as the
“User-assigned” Priority Channel via the “Follow-
Me” feature.
To activate “Follow-Me” scanning, first select the
channel you want to designate as the “User-Assigned
Priority Channel” and press the assigned program-
mable key. Then rotate the CH Selector knob to re-
call to the “Scanning Start” channel which has been
programmed by your dealer to activate the scanner.
When the scanner stops on an “Active” channel, the
User-assigned Priority Channel will automatically be
checked every few seconds; if activity is found on
the User-assigned Priority Channel, the radio will
switch between it and the Dealer-Assigned Priority
Channel, if any.