Rotate the VOL/PWR
knob to set the volume
level. If no signal is
present, press and hold in
the MONITOR button
(under the PTT switch)
more than 2 seconds;
background noise will
now be heard, and you
may use this to set the
VOL/PWR knob for the
desired audio level. Press
and hold the MONITOR
button more than 2 seconds (or press the MONI-
TOR button twice) to quiet the noise and resume
normal (quiet) monitoring.
To transmit, monitor the
channel and make sure it
is clear.
Press and hold the PTT
switch. Speak into the mi-
crophone area of the front
panel grille (above the upper left edge of the LCD)
in a normal voice level. To return to the Receive
mode, release the PTT switch.
Press the (Orange) TOP
SEL key to activate one
of the preprogrammed
functions which may
have been enabled at the
time of programming by
the dealer. See the next section for details regard-
ing the available features.
If a Speaker/Microphone is available, remove the
plastic cap and its two mounting screws from the
right side of the transceiver, then align the con-
nector of the Speaker/Microphone on the trans-
ceiver body; secure the connector pin using the
screws supplied with the Speaker/Microphone.
Hold the speaker grille up next to your ear while
receiving. To transmit, press the PTT switch on
the Speaker/Microphone, just as you would on
the main transceiver’s body, and speak into the
microphone on a normal voice level.
Note 1): Save the original plastic cap and its
mounting screws. They should be reinstalled
when not using the Speaker/Microphone.
2) When you press the PTT switch on the
Speaker/Microphone, it disables the internal mi-
crophone, and vice versa.