Setting Parameters through Configuration Files
The following are the parameters that can be used to configure the 480i phone through
the configuration files - aastra.cfg and <mac>.cfg. The "aastra.cfg" file configures the
settings server wide, while the <mac> configures only the phones with the MAC address
for which the file is named. The settings in the "aastra.cfg" file will be overridden by the
settings that also appear in the <mac> cfg file.
Options List Settings
This section contains parameters for changing some options list settings on the 480i.
Select “<mac>.cfg” for individual phone settings, and “aastra.cfg” for settings to be
implemented server-wide.
Parameter audio mode Configurable through the phone’s options list or the
configuration files
Description Sets the audio output mode
Format Integer (O: speaker; 1: headset; 2; speaker/headset; 3:
Default Value 0
Range 0-3
Example audio mode: 2
Parameter live dialpad Configurable through the phone’s options list or the
configuration files
Description Flag to enable live dialpad mode
Format Boolean (0:off; 1:on)
Default Value 0
Range 0-1
Example live dialpad: 1
10 SIP 480i IP Phone Admin Guide