Outgoing State

In the outgoing state, the first key displayed on the screen will be a Dial softkey, used to dial

your number after entering it (if Live Dialpad is off).

To manipulate softkey positioning, ‘empty’ softkeys can be inserted in one or more states. The

‘empty’ softkey allows you to skip over a softkey position, to control the order that softkeys are

positioned on the phone.

Softkey Parameters
NOTE: Softkey parameters are case-sensitive.
Parameter softkeyN label Configurable through the configuration files only
Description The text label that should be displayed for the soft key. If the
soft key is of line type an icon appears beside the soft key
that indicates the status of the line that this soft key is
configured to.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range Sequence of ascii characters. A width less than 11
characters for line softkey type and a width less than 9 for
the speeddial softkey type is suggested. N in the softkeyN
label ranges from 1 to 20
Examples softkey1 label: "Line 9"
softkey2 label: “411”
Parameter softkeyN type Configurable through the configuration files only
Description The type of soft key that will be configured.
Format Text
Default Value Not Applicable
Range line, speeddial, empty, dnd, flash. N in the softkeyN type
ranges from 1 to 20
Examples softkey1 type: line
softkey2 type: speeddial
softkey3 type: empty
softkey4 type: dnd
_Dial __
_ __
_ __
36 SIP 480i IP Phone Admin Guide