English Internationalwarranty
INSTRUCTIONSREGARDING REPAIRSYourapproved local Victorinox Swiss ArmyWatch SA service centre can repair your
timepiecein accordance with the above terms and conditions.Your Victorinox Swiss
ArmyWatch SA distributor will provide the necessary after-sales service. Toobtain
informationon your local distributor, send an e-mail to:
consultour website, www.victorinoxswissarmy.com,
orcall the Victorinox Swiss Army Watch SA office on +41 32 344 99 33.
PRECAUTION:Thewater resistance of your timepiece cannot be guaranteed indefinitely, consid-
eringthat joints may a ge,crowns or pushers may sustain knocks and climate or
temperature may vary. We therefore recommend that you have the water
resistanceof your timepiece checked at an approved Victorinox Swiss Army
WatchSA service center every 18 months or whenever the timepiece case is
Neveroperate chronographs pushers or crown when your timepiece is
underwater or if it is wet and ensure that the crown and pushers are proper-
lypushed back or screwed down after each use.