English NorthAmerican warranty
REPAIRSAnyVictorinox Swiss Army Authorized Service Center may repair your timepiece.
Visit our website at www.swissarmy.com for a complete listing of Authorized
Service Centers or call us at 800-442-2706 (U.S.) or 800-665-4095 ext. 4127
Pleaseallow 4-6 weeks for the return of your timepiece.
WARRANTYREPAIRIfyour Victorinox Swiss Army timepiece has a manufacturer’sdefect covered by our
warranty,we will repair or replace it, at our option, without charge. Please ship all
timepieces to theAuthorized Ser vice Center in appropriate protective packaging
and includethe information belo w.It is recommended that you insure and track
– Yourname, address, phone number and e-mail address (optional).
– The enclosed warranty repair coupon (see last page) date-stamped by your
retaileror the original retail purchase receipt.
– Abrief description of the problem or repairs needed.
While there is no charge for repair or replacement of the timepiece during the
WarrantyPeriod, a check in the amount of $10.00 payable to theAuthorized Service
Centermust accompany the timepiece to cover shipping, handling, insurance and
related costs.Alternatively, if you purchased the timepiece in California, you may
returnit to the retailer from whom it was purchased and the repair will be handled
withoutthe $10.00 handling charge.