Declaration of RoHS Compliance
This product has been designed and manufactured in compliance with Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances LQHOHFWULFDODQGHOHFWURQLFHTXLSPHQW5R+6'LUHFWLYHDQGLVGHHPHGWRFRPSO\ZLWKWKH PD[LPXPFRQFHQWUDWLRQYDOXHVLVVXHGE\WKH(XURSHDQ7HFKQLFDO$GDSWDWLRQ&RPPLWWHH7$& DVVKRZQEHORZ
Substance | Proposed Maximum | Actual Concentration | |
Concentration | |||
| ||
| |
/HDG3E | 0.1% | < 0.1% | |
| |
0HUFXU\+J | 0.1% | < 0.1% | |
| |
&DGPLXP&G | 0.01% | < 0.01% | |
| |
Hexavalent Chromium (Cr6+ | 0.1% | < 0.1% | |
3RO\EURPLQDWHGELSKHQ\OV3%% | 0.1% | < 0.1% | |
| |
3RO\EURPLQDWHGGLSKHQ\OHWKHUV3%'( | 0.1% | < 0.1% | |
Certain components of products as stated above are exempted under the Annex of the RoHS 'LUHFWLYHVDVQRWHGEHORZ
/HDGDVDQDOORWWLQJHOHPHQWLQVWHHOFRQWDLQLQJXSWROHDGE\ZHLJKWDOXPLQLXP containing up to 0.4% lead by weight and as a cooper alloy containing up to 4% lead by weight.
The “HD ready” Logo is a trademark of EICTA.
ViewSonic | 2 | VT2230 |