Please look at the section ‘List of Name Cards’ for instructions on how to add & remove fields from the ‘List’
view. Note: the business card fields will print in the same order as seen in the ‘List’ view.
Add, edit and select a print label pattern.
1) Select Print Label Options from the ‘Settings’ menu.
2) The label dimensions window will open.
3) Click the pattern name on the left to modify a current pattern.
4) Click on the Add button and input a name for the new pattern.
Pattern name:
Input any name to represent pattern dimensions
StartX and StartY:
Horizontal(x) and vertical(y) distances between labels sticks
and labels papers.
These values must be adjusted for different printers
OffsetX and OffsetY:
Horizontal(x) and vertical(y) distances between neighboring
label sticks.
Width and Height:
Horizontal and vertical dimensions of label sticks.
Rows and Columns:
The number of business cards to print in horizontal and
vertical direction.
Fields Gap:
The Fields vertical distance in a label stick.
(Height of each field will change according to font size. The
address field is 3 times of any other field, like name. Adjust
fields gap to tune the space between fields.)
RefX and RefY:
Horizontal and vertical distance between fields bounding
rectangles and fields text.
Font Size: d font size.
Fields text printe
Note: all values are measured in 1/10mm
Print Text Rectangle:
Will print borders around fields.
Pattern items: (all values measured in 1/10 mm)
Fractional Inch Decimal Inch Millimeters 1/10 Millimeter
1/8 0.125000 3.175 31.75 0
1/4 0.250000 6.3500 63.5
1/3 0.333333 8.4667 84.667
1/2 0.500000 12.7001 127.001
2/3 0.666666 16.9334 169.334
3/4 0.750000 19.0501 190.501
1 1.000000 25.4001 254.001