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the Palm handheld must be connected to the computer. The Palm Desktop software will be on the installation
d with the Palm handheld device. CD provide
1) Click on the button or select Synchron
i) There may be a war ization to Palm Device from the ‘File’ menu.
egistered, please restart you computer.” Please reboot
the computer at tha
b) Click on Export to PDA to export data to the Palm device.
c) Click on Import from PDA to import data from the Palm device.
d) Click on the Sync with PDA button to set a match percentage between device and computer.
ning “Palm conduit just r
t time.
2) After initializing the sync function the ‘Palm Sync’ dialog window will open.
a) Select ‘PC Major’, ‘PDA Major’ or ‘Sync’.
b) Set the minimum match (similarity) percentage desired.
lick on the OK button to synchronize the data.
If a particular record is in both the computer and the
Palm database and both records have a minimal
match percentage as stated, the system will
automatically set the record on the Palm device to the
one on the computer.
c) C PC Major
PDA Major
If a particular record is in both the computer and the
nd both records have a minimal
automatically set the record on the computer to the
one on the Palm device.
Palm database a
match percentage as stated, the system will