Y52 (Yellow): This lter is used when taking black and white pictures. It also makes a blue background darker. It is quite eective when taking shots of clouds on a blue horizon.
056 (Orange): This lter makes blue or green color lines darker and yellow or red color lines lighter than they seem to the human eye. It is most eective when stronger contrasts are desired.
R60 (Red): This lter is used to make daytime scenery appear as night time scenery, or to emphasize and strengthen contrast. It is also necessary when taking infrared black and white exposures.
NOTE: If the subject being photographed shows too much light or seems overexposed when measured by a meter or as indicated by an LED warning signal of the camera, then adjustment of the light intake can be controlled by using one of the ND lters. When using an R60 lter with an aperture preferred camera, an aperture adjustment of +0.5 to +1.0 is required.