User Programming
Feature Codes
88 Strata CIX DP5000-series Telephone UG 02/08
Feature CodesFeature Access Codes are entered as a sequence on your telephone to use a particular feature.
For an example of Call Forward, see “Call Forward Examples” on page 35.I
Table 14 Feature Access Codes
Feature Feature Access Code Sequences1
Account Code (while on a call) Cnf/Trn + #46, dial account code digits
Attendant Console Ext. button + 0
Automatic Busy Redial - On Cnf/Trn + #441, hang up
Automatic Busy Redial - Off Ext. button + #442
Automatic Callback (while on a call) 4 when you hear busy tone
Automatic Callback Cancel Ext. button + #431
Background Music
Telephone Speaker On Ext. button + #490 + music source no. (1~15) + #
Telephone Speaker Off Ext. button + #491 + Spkr
External Speaker On Ext. button + #492 + music source no. (1~15) + #
External Speaker Off Ext. button + #493 + Spkr
Call Forward - See Table 15 on page 105.
Call Park
Activate (while on a call) Cnf/Trn + #33 + Orbit Number (7000~7019) or an Ext.
Retrieve (while on a call) Ext. button + #32 + Orbit Number (7000~7019) or an
Ext. No.
Call Pickup
Directed DN pickup of ringing or held
calls. Ext. button + #5#6 + Ext. No
Directed DN pickup of ringing, held or
parked calls. Ext. button + #5#29 + Ext. No. to be picked up
Incoming - Group Pickup Ext. button + #5#34 + Group Number to be picked up
Incoming - Directed Extension Pickup Ext. button + #5#5 + Primary Ext. No to be picked up
Incoming - Directed Group Pickup Ext. button + #5#32 + Group Number to be picked up
Incoming - Directed Extension Pickup Ext. button + #5#22 + Ext. Number
All Call Page, Group Page and/or
External Page Pickup of page
Ext. button + #5#36 + Page Zone No. (01~08)
#5#5 + Ext. No. of another phone being paged.