Feature Operations
Conference Calls
44 Strata CIX DP5000-series Telephone UG 02/08
³To add an Incoming call to the Conference
1. Place the first caller/Conference on hold.
2. Answer the incoming ringing call.
3. While speaking to the incoming caller, press Cnf/Trn button.
4. Press the blinking DN where the first caller/Conference was placed on hold.
5. Press Cnf/Trn twice to join all parties together.
³To Split from a conference
1. While in a conference call on a DP5000-series phone, press the SPLT (Split) soft
key or Split button.
2. Press the NEXT soft key until you see the extension number for the party that you
want to Split out of the conference.
3. You can return both yourself and the other Split party back into the conference by
pressing JOIN.
RTRN terminates a feature operation and returns to the previously displayed state.
³To Drop the Split party from a conference
³Press the DROP Soft Key. The party that you are talking to privately (the party
which you have Split from the conference) will be disconnected (Dropped) and
you will rejoin the conference.
If you are in a three-way conference and Split with one of the parties, the
remaining party will essentially be “on hold” until you return to the conference.