This is a model of one of the most respected analogue tape echo machines ever made. In the original the “echo” is produced by a playback head and the exact “delay time” is set by varying the motor speed. Many professionals prefer these
TAP | “TIME” | Sets the delay time in a range of 1...1486 [ms]. |
EDIT1 | “MIX” | Adjust the mix amount of the delayed sound. |
EDIT2 | “TIME” | This lets you use the knob to make fine adjustments |
[TAP+EDIT 1] |
| to the parameter. |
EDIT3 | “FEEDBACK” | Adjusts the amount of feedback. |
HINT: In the CHORUS+DELAY combination effect, the FEEDBACK parameter is already set to the optimal value.
WARNING! If you crank up the FEEDBACK too much, an uncontrollable, cascading “run- away” of echoes will occur. So, use your ears and your common sense when setting this!
A model of the most popular spring reverb system used in guitar amps.
TAP | “TIME” | Sets the reverb time in a range of 0.8...8 [seconds]. |
EDIT1 | “MIX” | Adjusts the mix amount of the reverb sound. |
EDIT2 | “TIME” | This lets you use the knob to adjust the reverb time. |
[TAP+EDIT 1] |
EDIT3 | “HI DAMP” | Adjusts the dampening of the |
HINT: In combination effects, the TIME and HI DAMP parameters are already set to opti- mal values.